Kholat Aftermath is a comic book continuation of a video game based on the motives of real events known as Dyatlov Pass Incident and created by IMGN.PRO in 2015.
Kholat: Aftermath presents four seemingly unrelated stories:
- a secret interrogation referring to a hidden note from the game
- a letter from Vitaliy Grazeniuk (main character of the game) to his fiancée
- an appeal for help from a person being a prisoner of a something called "section 22"
- and the beginning of an investigation conducted by two Moscow militiamen
How the fates of the heroes will go?
Could all the events be a product of the sick imagination of Grazeniuk? Is he murderer or a victim?
Or maybe someone is trying to hide the facts that experiments in section 22 got out of control?
And who is the mysterious Anton?
Intel Core i3
GeForce GTX 470
需要 5 GB 可用空间
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