Stand tall for the guard! Charge onwards with the most-revered Imperial Old Guard and other distinguished regiments who made their mark on the Napoleonic field of battle.
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The Regiments of the Guard DLC unlocks 6 unique uniforms for the Guard class.
● Unlock the British Empire's Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards uniform.
● Unlock the French Empire's 1er Grenadiers de la Garde Impériale uniform.
● Unlock the Kingdom of Prussia's Zweites Garde Regiment zu Fuss uniform.
● Unlock the Russian Empire's Leib-Gvardii Litovskii Polk uniform.
● Unlock the Kingdom of Italy's Battaglione Guardia Alla Città di Milano uniform.
● Unlock the Austrian Empire's Herzoglich Braunschweigisches Feldkorp uniform.
● Unlock the The Old Guard portrait for your playercard.
● Unlock the The Old & Bold title for your playercard.